I made it back home

Thanks to my son, Daniel, you know that I encountered some difficulties this past week.  Tonight I’m only going to cover two parts of my time in Rochester.  After an uneventful 300 miles drive down on Thursday, it looked like the weekend was going to turn out just as planned.  Little did I know!

I had made an appointment a couple of weeks ago to get my teeth cleaned and checked at the dentist I frequent when I’m in the area.  Piece of cake, right?  Well, it turns out that if you’ve had a total hip replacement, you have to take antibiotics before having anything done to your teeth.  My surgeon never mentioned this, but I vaguely remember it being mentioned in the booklet I was given about  hip replacements.  So, the dentist had me take four Amoxicillin capsules right there before the cleaning began.

That went along just fine until a big truck wiped out the electrical wires crossing the road in front of the office.  Luckily, the technician was done with the cleaning, but the dentist couldn’t check my teeth over since it was so dark.  They said they would call me when the power came back on so I could finish the check-up.  (I should have recognized this as a warning that things would continue to go wrong.)  In the meantime, I met Robyn and the grandgirls, and my long time friend, Susan at a local restaurant for lunch.  I ordered the quesadilla appetizer for my lunch.  It was so large, I shared some with Susan.

After returning to the dentist’s office to get the report that my teeth were just fine, I headed over to my son Andy’s house for visiting, and a cookout when Dan joined us after his work.  That never happened for me.  Along about 3:30, I became violently ill.  I won’t go into all the details, but suffice it to say I felt like Mount Vesuvius from one end, and Mount St. Helen’s from the other.  Daniel wolfed down his burger so he could take me home, where I spent almost the next 48 hours ensconced in the bathroom.  I thought I was going to die, but I was afraid I wouldn’t.

If things hadn’t quit by noon on Sunday, we were prepared to take me to the emergency room.  It was that bad.  All of the rest of the kids and grandkids came over on Saturday to Dan’s, but I barely got to see them.  I thought for sure that I had food poisoning from the quesadilla.  However, after checking with Susan on Monday, I found out that she didn’t get sick at all.  That left me to believe it was the dose of antibiotics that the dentist gave me that caused an adverse reaction.  I suppose I’ll never know the true cause, but I don’t think I want to try Amoxicillin again. 

I was supposed to head back to Tamarac on Monday, but I was in no condition to drive 300 miles.  A two mile drive to the local Hy-Vee grocery store did me in. 

_MG_9185 _MG_9184

Then, as Dan posted, my laptop fried itself.  There it is in pieces in the foreground of the left picture.  We ordered a new laptop from Amazon, and Dan spent last night getting it ready for me.  It’s a pain to start everything like Picasa and Live Writer over again, but he got things going for me in a few hours.  It would have taken me days, and this evening I’m still struggling to get things back in those two programs the way I like them.  I’m thinking I may be emailing our Guru, Rick, in the next couple of days if I become too frustrated.  Confused smile


Through all of this, Emma was in heaven.  She spent the week living and playing with Buddy and Georgie; Dan’s two dogs.  Georgie, in the middle, is as hyper as she is.  They got along quite well most of the time, but having three of them blasting through the house was a bit much for me at times.  Thankfully, Dan has a fenced yard with the house he is renting.  Tonight’s pictures are the only ones I took all week, so you can imagine how under the weather I was.  I can’t remember the last time I only took four pictures in a week!


                                                                             THE END!!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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