This and that

After the great day on the swamp on Friday, I worked the next two days in the VC.  Business has picked up as predicted, so at least there aren’t hours and hours of no visitors.


When I drove to work on Sunday, I noticed one of the pine trees about to explode with pollen.  Luckily I’m not allergic to this pollen, as it has been coating everything for a couple of weeks.


I found each end of the branches to be very geometric with the round spread of needles, and the bouquet of catkins in the middle.


The centers kind of reminded me of those ‘snakes’ you light with a match.  Remember those?  As a kid I loved the smell of the sulphur when you lit one of those little black pellets that grew before your very eyes.  This looked like a whole box got lit at once to me.


                                              A SMALL FOREST OF CYPRESS KNEES IN THE SWAMP

I was pleasantly surprised to get an email yesterday, on a National Holiday, from the Volunteer Coordinator at the National Elk Refuge (NWR) in Wyoming.  I had applied to volunteer there for the coming summer, but it is a very competitive process since lots of people want to volunteer there.  It’s located in Jackson which is close to both Yellowstone NP and Grand Teton NP. 

My friends, John and Diana, have volunteered there the last couple of summers, and alerted me early last fall to the possibility of some openings for this summer.  Folks that volunteer there tend to return for several years.  So I was happy to hear that I’ll be granted an interview within the next couple of weeks.  I’m thinking I’m good to go, but one can never tell.  Diana, of course, has put in a good word for me.  Winking smile


                                                                  WILD BLUEBERRY BLOOMS?

I seem to remember some bloggers like Gypsy mentioning that they really like Biscotti.  I’ve never really had it before, so when I saw it at Publix this morning on the buy one/get one free table, I decided to try it.  I don’t need two boxes of it since I didn’t know if I’d like it, but at Publix if you only buy one you get it for half price.  I chose a package with cranberry/pistachio Biscotti.  I tried a piece tonight, but the jury is still out.  I’ll see if the taste and dryness of the bread grow on me.  Do you like it?

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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