Glienicke Castle

Glienicke Castle which is situated at the soout-west of Berlin just at the border to Potsdam was once  the Summer residence of  Prince Carl of Prussia, the third son of King Friedrich Wilhelm III.
Ther first building on this site was a Manor  (which was described as Castle in documents from that time) which was build in 1753 for Johann Jakob von Mirow a Docotor from Berlin. After he came in finacial trouble he had to sell the Estate in 1764. It changed the woners a few times in the following until it was bought by Count Carl Heinrich August of Linedeau.He changed the look of the Estate and also gave the Manor a new meaning. After Prussia's defeat by Napoleon's army at Jena and Auerstedt in 1806 Count Lindenau fell into financial difficultiesand sought to sell the Estate but without succcess. In 1811 and 1812 it was rented by the prussian Cancellor Count Karl August of hardenbergwho bought it in 1814. In addition to remodeling of the interior and exterior of the Manor , Fürst Hardenberg remodeld from the autumn of 1816 the immediate vicinity of the cottage garden artistically. After he died in 1822 his heirs sought for an buyer which the finally found in 1824 in the person of Prince Carl of Prussia. the thiord son of King Friedrich Wilhelm III. Like hios older brother, the future King Friedrich Wilhelm IV., Prince Carl also showed great interest in the ancient culture. This "passion for antiques and other antiquitiesawakened and fostered in childhood educators of Prince, Count Heinrich von Minutoli Menu. All the more impressive for Prince Carl was the first trip to Italy in 1822, which inspired him to the harmony between landscape, architecture and antiquity. Returned with these impressions, the decision was for him to realize this "dream of Italy 'in his native Berlin. With sketches of the design of individual buildings supported Carl's artistically gifted  brother Friedrich Wilhelm the project. Some details of these proposals, the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel and his pupil and colleague Ludwig Persius took over for their own designs. In close collaboration with the landscape architect Peter Joseph Lenne, a unique, southern ambience architecture and garden area grow  which Prince Carl decorated with antiques from its rich collection.
With the death of Prince Carl  1883 the heyday of Glienicke ended. . In his will, he decreed that his son and main heir Prince Friedrich Karl  had to spend at least 30,000 marks annually for the maintenance of the Glienicke buildings and parks. But as prince Prince Friedrich Karl died already in 1885 this came to end and the property was inherited by Prince Friedrich Karl's son Friedrich Leopold who showed little Interest in Glienicke.  By structural neglect began the decay of the building, and through the sale of ancient and medieval collectibles already in the 1920s, much of what Prince Carl had collected over decades, scattered around the world.
After the First World War and the end of the monarchyin 1918  Prince Friedrich Leopold moved his residence to Lugano, where he took numerous art objects and furniture. The property Glienicke including the building was first seized by the new government. In light of the failed Prince expropriation but it was after the ratification of the law on property dispute between the Prussian state and the members of the former ruling Prussian royal house on 26 October 1926  transferred back to Friedrich Leopold. Just two years later, the Prince tried to sell parts of the Glienicker area to a real estate company. This failed initially to an injunction of 17 July 1929 on the part of the Prussian state, who wanted to preserve the land as a park. Under the agreements in the balance the state was under discussion in this proceeding. After Prince Friedrich leopold died in 1931 the property was inherited by his grandson, Prince Freidrich Karl who sold the Estate in 1939 to the city Berlin. From 1950 it served as a Hotel a and since 1987  the Castle is used as a Castle Mueseum and open to the public. 

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