Final walk on the beach?

After taking care of several errands yesterday, Emma and I enjoyed an evening of sitting outside. 


As usual, she was on full alert, just in case something threatening should happen to come near.  It wasn’t long before she found something of interest.

IMG_0156Her nose was working overtime, and she soon took off at a run with her back hairs standing up, to the back edge of the volunteer compound.  Barking away as she went, of course.  I was right behind her to be sure she stayed within the fence.


Sure enough, the three little bears were making their way through the field behind the bath/laundry house.  The grasses pretty much hid them, but they all made their way to the woods.  Don’t know where their mama was.  I didn’t see her.  Much of her barking seems to be a false alarm to me, but last night she was right.

Today after checking the internet, I found out that low tide on Pea Island was scheduled to occur in the early afternoon.  Considering I’ll be on my way in just over two weeks, I thought I’d better take advantage of this chance to find some shells along the ocean shore.


It was a gorgeous day on the beach.  First I parked at the visitors center, but that path to the beach climbed over the dunes.  On second thought, I moved a little south down the road to an area where the beach approach was more level.  My cane really sinks in the loose sand of the dunes, so a more level approach was helpful.


On a beautiful afternoon, I certainly wasn’t alone on the beach, but I wouldn’t exactly call it jammed packed.  This isn’t a part of the coast that is known for great shells, and it lived up to that expectation.


Besides the few people, there were other creatures joining me on the beach.  Lots of these little crabs (about the size of a dime) were scurrying in and out with the waves.  Considering their size, I suppose a little wave looks like a tsunami to them.  Winking smile

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                          A half dozen or so brown pelicans were also cruising the air looking for a meal. 

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I may not have found many shells, but this gull found a tasty dead fish that was washed up on shore.  After an hour or so, I needed to sit down, so I made my way back to the car and headed home.  I’m not a big beach person, but I certainly enjoyed my time listening to the waves for perhaps my final walk on the beach this fall.

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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