† Fürst Heinrich IV. Reuß

Fürst Heinirch IV. Reuß died on 20.05.2012 at his home Ernstbrunn at the age of 92 yeats. he was sourronded by his children and grandchildren. Since 1945 he was the head of the Princely Family Reuß wo until 1918 reigned in todays Thuringia. This line of the Family had her seat at bad Köstrtz and the Summer Residence was Ernstbrunn Castle nr Vienna wo after 1945 became the Main Residence. After 1990 the Family came back to their former posessions and some of them ehere also returned because the Prince has trhe austrian nationality and not the german 8as he was born in Ernstbrunn).
In 1954 Fürst Heinrich IV. married Princess Mrie Luise zu Salm-Horstmar wo survies him. Together they had 4 chidren: Heinrich XIV. wo succeeds him as the head of the Family, Johanetta, Caroline and Esperance.
His funeral will take place on Sautrday 30.06.2012 at Ernstbrunn where he will be buried in the Park of the Castle.


The new Fürst Heinrich XIV. with his wife
Johanna, née Freiin Raitz zu Raitz


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