A soggy holiday weekend

It’s been wet and overcast for days now, so this weekend was pretty laid back.  I actually spent yesterday afternoon watching the entire Lonesome Dove mini series to the sound of rain on the rooftop.  That’s a pretty boring day for me.  Emma has been so bored that she ripped apart her stuffed duck.  She’s had that for a couple of years, but it’s in the garbage bucket tonight. 

I think even the wild barn owls are tired of this weather.  One of those owls sits under the eave of the community building and coughs up its pellets onto the cement area in front of the door.  These pellets are usually like small compact eggs consisting of indigestible bones and hair.  Well, this morning’s deposit was a only slightly digested mouse.  Yuck!  Bill and Carol saw a barn owl sitting on a post just next to my rig last night.  I wonder if that’s why I’ve had a decrease of mice in the rig this week.  I hope it perches there each night.

At least this afternoon we were all able to share a Christmas Dinner in the community building.  That was definitely the highlight of the day.


I volunteered to get and cook the ham so I could make my favorite raisin gravy.  Luckily, Bob stepped forward to carve the ham for me so I could work on the gravy.  Raisin gravy is a once a year treat for me, and I sure do enjoy it.


I was in culinary heaven with side dishes of mashed potatoes, a baked pineapple garnish, green bean casserole, broccoli cheese casserole, hot rolls, cranberry, pecan pie, and a chocolate pudding/angel food cake dish to go along with the ham and gravy.  I don’t talk about food very often, but this feast was delicious!  There wasn’t a thing on that menu that I didn’t like.

IMG_5228                                       (from the left: Bill, Carol, Annie, Roxanne, Bob, and Dorothy)

Good food, good company, and good conversation warmed the cockles of my heart.  I hope you all had a heart warming day as well.

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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