First pics of Princess Philomena zu Schaumburg-Lippe

Fürst Alexander and Fürstin Nadja Anna zu Schamuburg-Lippe recently presented their daughter Philomena who was borin  on 10. July. The presentation took recently place in the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Munich. 
The Princess will soon be christened at Bückeburg Castel on her full name: Philomena Sylvia Huberta Amelie Juliane Vera Marie-Anna. As the Couple decied at their Wedding that sons would be chrstened evalelic and daughters catholic she will be christened in a catholic Ceremony. The godpartents will be Princess Philomena of France, Duchess of Vendome, Princess and Duchess Sylvia of Arenberg, Hereditary Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess Amelie zu Löwenstein, Countess Julia Ruiz-Berdejo y Sigurtà née Oetker, Countess Marina Wolff Metternich and Countess Veronique von der Schulenberg


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