The weather interfered with my plans

The last two days have been windy and raining, so my plans to head for Louisiana have been stymied.  I’m still sitting in Marion, IL.  I don’t like to drive in high winds, and the continuous rain added to my reluctance to leave.  Other rigs have pulled into and out of the campground, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.  Both Emma and I are going a little stir crazy, but I hope we’ll get a little ways down the road tomorrow.

In plotting my course, I’ve decided to just do a short jaunt tomorrow to Sikeston, MO.  Since the rig can’t be worked on until next week anyway, I won’t kill myself getting there.  Lambert’s Restaurant is located in Sikeston, and is home to the ‘Throwed Rolls’.   There’s a shuttle from the campground to the restaurant, so I thought I’d give that a try. 

As I’ve been perusing campgrounds along my route to Scott, LA, I now have a new requirement for where I’ll be staying this trip.  The campground must sell ice.  Although supplies are dwindling in my freezer turned cooler, I still need to keep it cool with bags of ice.  I’ve had to ditch quite a few things in the dumpster since it’s been a week since the fridge last worked. I can only eat so much each day, and most of the meat I had in the freezer has either been eaten or gotten rid of.  So far I’ve been able to keep it at about 39* with two bags of ice/day.

Unlike many people, grocery shopping has always been something I have enjoyed.  So, once the new fridge is installed I’m going to have a good old time restocking it.  Smile  It’s a PITA right now, but I’m trying to keep a positive attitude.

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy 


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