I retained my dignity…

…and made it to Thibodaux's Premiere RV in Scott, LA, without any mishaps.  I even found a way to exit Swinging Bridge RV to avoid most of the huge speed bumps and all of the curbs.  The only problem along the 226 mile drive was that the rest area that I planned to stop at for relief for both Emma and me was closed.  I guess it’s a good thing I don’t drink coffee.

IMG_3721Last night, after I had set up for the night, Jerry and Wanda from EggRollings stopped by to say hello.  They are fellow bloggers whose blog I follow, and they were camping at a state park in Jackson, MS.  They camp in a Casita and also do hot air balloon flying.  Many of you know it’s always a hoot to meet fellow bloggers on  the road, and we had a short, but enjoyable meeting.  Wanda even volunteered to hold the ‘wild child’ while I took their picture.  Smile

I’ve got full hookups here at Premiere, and even set up the DISH this afternoon.  I need to beef up my DVR recordings after not having satellite TV for the last two weeks.  Not much else is new from here.  I’m happy to finally be here, and I’ll find out tomorrow what the repair schedule will be.  It seems to me, being in Louisiana, I may just see a shrimp Po'boy in the not too distant future…

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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