Chillin’ this evening

Yahooie Louie (siana)!  I don’t have to buy any more ice!  The switch out of the sort of old, broken refrigerator, and the installation of the new working refrigerator was accomplished this morning.  I didn’t transfer the few items I had left soaking in ice until about 3:00 this afternoon.  I wanted to be sure this new one worked first, and I have to tell you that I decided to keep the brushed silver doors.  They fit perfectly, and everything on the outside looks the same.  I may actually make it to Anahuac NWR tomorrow… finally.

I did notice a distinct odor coming from the fridge this morning, and when I cleared everything out so it could be removed, I found a hidden boneless chicken breast under the cold water.  P-U!!  It’s been defrosted in there for over two weeks.  I don’t know how I missed throwing it out, but I did. 

So you know what I did late this afternoon… grocery shopping!  Now I’ll actually be able to eat something other than canned goods for the next week or so.  It’s those little things like working brakes and a refrigerator that makes life a little easier.  I’m as happy as a pig in mud, or, as happy as a ______ in _____.  I’ll let you fill in the blanks.  Smile

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy


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