Georg Friedrich and Sophie - pre Wedding Concert

On the occasion of the Wedding of Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia and Princess Sophie of Isenbrug i made some vacation in Potsdam and later also Berlin. I arrived there on Wednesday a few ddays before the Wedding. After the arrival i meet with some Anuschka and Sofia who had also arrived on this morning.  We visited as first the Friedenskirche the location for the upcoming Wedding as this was the first days it was open to the  public. As we had seen allof it we walked back and at the Luisenplatz we spotted the bridal Coupletalking to some other people. We waited until they where ready then we asked if we could take a pic of them. 
We later continued with sightseeing on this dayand visited first Cecilienhof Castle where Crown prince Wilhelm and Crown Princess Cecilie with their family lived until 1945. Afterwards we went to the Marblepalace.

One the next day we and 2 other friends wo had arrived later on Wedneday contnued with sightseeing. In the morning we walked pas the Church again where preparations for the Wedding where in full forche with flowers delivered and technical equpment beeing installed for the Live-Broadcast. After we where joined by 2 more friends we visited among others the Neue Kammern where the reception after the Wedding Service ws to take plac and the Orangerie the site for the Gala-Dinner in the eveing. After we had vistied Sanssoucci Castle we walked across the street behind it. suddenly a car stopped for ashortmoment and 2 eople waved out and Said "Hello how are you" and then drove away. We only then realized that it had been the bridal Couple.

On thext day Friday we all together drove in the morning to Berlin where we visited Charlottenburg Castle and it's Gardens. After having somerest we made our Way to the Gendarmenmarkt to secure the best places there. Ast there wasno official Press-Accredition for this Event we could stand in the first row just a few metres opposde the stairs leading to the Concerthouse. There annual Benefit Concert for the "Princess Kira of Prussia foundation" tookplace. This Event takes usually place every Septemberg at Hohenzollern Castle. But in this year it was decided that on the occasion of the WEdding this should tkae place as a pre-Wedding Event in Berlin.The first guests arrived at around 18h00 local time. On of the first to arrive was the bridal Couple who posed on the staris for the gathered Press  Short later Sophie's parents Fürst Franz Alexander and Fürstin Christine arrived together with their younger son Prince Victor. Most of the around 1000 guests arrived with busses and had to walk to the Concert Hall. 
More pics of the guests here:


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