† Princess Maria Elisabeth of Orleans and Bragança, née Princess of Bavaria

Princess Maria Elisabeth of Orleans and Bragança, née Princess of Bavaria passed away at her appartement at the Jardim Botânico at Rio de Janeiro. She was 96 years and 8 months old and the last member of the bavrian Royal Family born when Bavaria was still a Kingdom. She was born on 09.09.1914 at Nymphenburg Castle as daughter of Prince Franz of Bavaria and his wife Isabella, née Princess of Croy and was a granddaughter of the last King of Bavaria, Ludwig III. On 19.08.1937 she married at Nymphenburg Prince PedroHnerique of Orleans and Bragança, the head of Imperial Family of Brazil. The couple had together 12 children 8 sons and 4 daughter. Her husband died on 05.07.1981 and was succeeded as headof the Family be their oldest son Prince Luiz Gastão. 


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