Noble Wedding at Alsfeld

On Saturday 18.09.2010 the ltttle hessian town Alsfeld in saw a noble Wedding the first time  since 50 years when Freiin Iris of Dörnberg married Prince Hubertus zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg at the Walpurgis Church there. The couple had already married in a civil Ceremony the day before in the Townhall of Alsfeld. On the Wedding day first Guests at the Church arrived short after 10 a clock, the groom and his Family arrived around 10 min. before the Service startet at 11h00 CEST. One of the last was the bride who arrived together with her father, Freiherr Jürgen of Dörnberg in an old Cadillac.They waited for a few mintues before the Church whre the old historc Veil of the bride was arranged and only they the last guests arrvied at Church including the grooms aunts, Archduchess maria of Austira with her husband Archduek Joseph, Fürstin Lioba zu Oettingen-Wallerstein and Lady Nicholas Windsor with her parents. After they where inside also the bride and her father entered the Church. The oecumenical Service (the bride is protestant, the groom catholic) was conducted by the brides cousin Pfarrer Dr. Burkhard von Dörnbeg and Deklan Stefan Reuffurth a good friend of the groom. The Service lasted for about one hour then the birdal Couple came out of the Church followed by their parents and other guests. After they had said Goodbye to the Pfarrer and the Dekan the entered the Cadeillac (from whom the had put back the roof so that it became an Cabriolet) together with the flower children.  Then they drove away to the Burg Herzberg the ancestral home of the brides Family where an Reception took place.
Among the guests who attended the Wedding where Archduke Joseph and Archduchess Maria of Austria, Archduke Michael and Archduchess Christiane of Austria, Fürstin Lioba zu Oettingen-Oettingen and Oettingen-Wallerstein,  Lady Nicholas Windsor with her son Leopold and Albert,  Fürst Ludwig zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia, Prince Friedrich Franz and Princess Susan of Prussia, the Fürst and Fürstin zu Ysenburg and Büdingen and many more.



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