Royal Crypt Laeken

Recently i stayed at Brussels for a few days. There is visited also the Royal Crypt at the Notre Dame at Laeken where all the members of the belgian Royal Family are buried. The Crypt is only open on Sunday afternoons on the death-anniversaries of King Albert I., Queen Astrid, King Léopold III., King Baudouin I. and a few other days.
After the death of Queen Louise-Marie, née Princess of Orléans it was decided to build a Church at Laeken where she would be buried according to her own wishes. In 1854 it was started to build the Church and on 07.08.1872 the Church was inaguarated but she was not entire ready.

Genealogy-Tree of the belgian Royal
Family at the Entrance in the Crypt

The stairs leading in the Crypt

Picture of King Baudouin I.

Grave of King Léopold III. (1901-1983), Queen
Astrid, née Princess of Sweden (1905-1935)
and Princess Lilian, née Baels (1916-2002)

Grave of King Léopold II. (1835-1902) and Queen
Marie Henriette, née Arcchducess of Austria (1837-1902)

Grave of King Léopold I. (1790-1865) and Queen Louise
Marie, née Princess of Oléans (1812-1850)

Grave of King Albert I. (1875-1934) and Queen
Elisabeth, née Duchess in Bavaria (1876-1965)

Grave of King Baudouin I. (1930-1993)

Grave of Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders (1837-1905) and
Princess Marie, Countess of Flanders, née Princess of
Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1845-1912)

Graves of Princes Charles, Count of Flanders
(1903-1983), Prince Léopold, Duke of Brabant (1859-1869)
and Princess Joséphine (1870-1871)

Entrance in the Side Chapel: There are the Graves of

Prince Louis-Philippe, Duke
of Brabant (1833-1834)

Princess Charlotte, Empress of
Mexico (1840-1927)


Prince Leopold-Emanuel of
Liechtenstein (1984)


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