
Showing posts from August, 2008

Royal Brussels

Recently i was in Brussels for a few days where i among others visited the Royal palace which is only open for 2 months from the End of July. I also made an Visit to Laeken where i visted the Royal Crypta the Notre Dame and walked areound the Domain of Laken to have a look on the Castle and the toher Places there. The Bellevue Museum Statue of King Baudouin I. before the Cathedral St. Michel et Gudule Statue of King Léopold I. at the Rue Royale/Koningsstraat Statue of King Léopold II. at the Place de Throne Statue of King Albvert I. at the Albertina Place and opposide to him the Statue of Queen Elisabeth Memorial for Queen Astrid at Laeken Laeken Castle Monument for King Léopold I. at Laeken the Chinese Pavillon at Laaken and the Chinese Tower

Royal Crypt Laeken

Recently i stayed at Brussels for a few days. There is visited also the Royal Crypt at the Notre Dame at Laeken where all the members of the belgian Royal Family are buried. The Crypt is only open on Sunday afternoons on the death-anniversaries of King Albert I., Queen Astrid, King Léopold III., King Baudouin I. and a few other days. After the death of Queen Louise-Marie, née Princess of Orléans it was decided to build a Church at Laeken where she would be buried according to her own wishes. In 1854 it was started to build the Church and on 07.08.1872 the Church was inaguarated but she was not entire ready. Genealogy-Tree of the belgian Royal Family at the Entrance in the Crypt The stairs leading in the Crypt Picture of King Baudouin I. Grave of King Léopold III. (1901-1983), Queen Astrid, née Princess of Sweden (1905-1935) and Princess Lilian, née Baels (1916-2002) Grave of King Léopold II. (1835-1902) and Queen Marie Henriette, née Arcchducess of Austria (1837-1902) Grave of King Léo...