
Showing posts from August, 2009


Laxenburg is a little village outside of Vienna which was used by the Austiran Imperial Family as Summer Residence. This traditiion was started with Emperor Karl VI. and continued by his daughter Maria Theresia. It was here where Emperor Franz Josef I. and Empresess Elisabeth (Sisi) spend their honeymoon and two of their children where born there. Also their only son Crown Prince Rudolf and his wife Stephanie spend their honeymoon there and their daughter Elisabeth was born at Laxenburg. The Castle Park who orignally was a big hunting Area is dating back to the 13th Century as is the old Castle. It orignally belonged to the Lords of Lachsenburg and is the died without male heirs it later cam into the posession of the Habsburgs. T The parish Church of Laxenburg Statue of Emperor Franz Josef I. The Blue Court (Blauer Hof) from the Castle Place The Gardenside of the Blue Court (Blauer Hof) Entrance to the Castle Park The Old Castle The Emperor Franz Statue The Franzensburg The Knights Vau...

Villa Marienwahl Ludwigsburg

The Villa was bought by the then Prince Wilhelm in 1878 and according to the wishes of his wife, Princess Marie the Couple made it their Residence and not the Crown Princely Palace in Stuttgart. Here where their children born and it was here where pricness marie died only died in 1881 after giving birth to a stillborn daughter. Even after he Wilhelm became King in 1891 and he moved into the Wilhelmspalais in Stuttgart he used Marienwahl and not the big Residence Castle when he stayed in Ludwigsburg. After his death in 1921 Marienwahl went to his only daughter Princess Pauline who was married to Fürst Friedrich zu Wied. Fürstin Pauline died there in 1965 and is buried on the Horsepaddock behind the Villa. After her death Marienwahl was onherited by her younger son and is now in the posession of her grandson, Prince Ulrich zu Wied. As his only daghter Marie is married to Duke Friedrich of Württemberg, the oldest son of Duke Carl and future Head of the House it could be that in in the ...