
Showing posts from 2009

Wittelsbacher burial Ground at Andechs

Since 1971 the membes of the Royal Family of Bavaria are b uried at Andechs. In 1980 a special burial ground was etablished. it is down the hill on which the Moastery is located. It can be visited then one has to ask for the key to it at the Klosterpforte. On the far side are the Graves of Duke Albrecht and his 2 wives, Duchess Marie, née Countes Draskovich of Trakostjan and Duchess Marie-Jenke, née Countess Keglevich of Buzin. The late Duke is buried between his 2 wives. On the left side is the Grave of Prince Ludwig. He is at the moment the last Family member who was buried on the Burial Ground. On the right side there are the graves of other Family members Princess Maria del Pilar Prince Adalbert Princess Augusta, née Countess Seefried auf Buttenheim Prince Konstantin Prince Eugen Prince Konrad Princess Bona Margherita, née Princess of Savoy

Rheda Castle

The Castle dates back to the early Middle Ages and was first mentioned in 1170. In 1200 the Castle Chapel in one of the Towers was build in the romanic Style. In 1365 the Castle and its sourroundings where inherited by Otto II. of Tecklenburg who made it to one his residences. Later it came through ineritance in the psession of the Family of Bentheim-Tecklenburg who made it their Eesidnce. There where to wiongs build one in the baroque Style and one in the renaissance Style who connect the old Towers from the Middle Age. Today the Castle is the Residemce of Hereditary Prince Maximiliand and Hereditary Princess Marissa zu Bentheim-Tecklenburg. The Park of the Castle is open to the Public and he Castle can also be visited during guided Tours. The Renaissance Building and on the left a part of the Tower who houses the Chapel The Library Tower The Renaissance Wing A look in the Court of the Castle The Castle is located on a small Island which is sourrounded by a Water drain Outside of thi

Possenhofen Castle

Today Possenhofen Castle is best known as being the childhoodhome of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, née Duchess in Bavaria but it's History is much older. The Castle was build in 1536 for Jakob Rosenbusch who was Cancellor under Duke Ludwig of Bavaria. In 1600m the Castle came in the posession of the Hans Caspar von Horwarth. In the 30year long War the Castle was destroyed but rebuil by von Horwarth. After the died the Castle was bought by Elector Ferdinand Maria of Bavaria. It then changed his ownership a few times until it ended in the posession of the Counts of la Rosée. 1834 it was then acquired by Duke Maximilian in Bavaria the father of the Empress. It remained in the posession of the Ducal Family until 1940. After that it had different destination. In 1981 the Castle was bought by Prof. Franz Schilke who restored it to it's former Glory. As the Castle is owned prvat it can not be visited but one can walke around an has a good view on it.